Made for Parents, Backed by Expertise
With our Little Chompions kits, we’ve gathered all the items you need to support your baby’s early food journey in an easy, fun and simple manner. Created by a pediatric speech therapist with 10+ years experience.
I wish these kits were around when we had our first (or second). Knowing what we now know, this is a fantastic gift for first time parents. Figuring out what to feed your kids is hard enough, there's no need to add stress to figuring out how to feed them. This kit does the trick! Great quality items, comforting for the parents, and comes with the right advice at the right time.
We love these kits! The booklets are so handy for getting information and inspiration! I love that everything is dishwasher-safe and the different spoons and cups have been great for helping our daughter get used to new eating experiences! The plates are super sturdy and suction onto the table really well, which helps us feel confident letting our kiddo dig into her meals!
The guides are amazing with so many tips and great information. It really built my confidence in introducing various foods. Yes, meal time can be messy but now it is very enjoyable, and dinner (especially) has become a bonding experience for the family (as we all eat together). I also loved the kits that came with the guides. Everything is dishwasher safe and the items in the kit are so useful.
I love it!! The booklets are super helpful and informative. And I really love all the silicon items. Lots of stuff that I didn't know with my first child. The reference materials are really nice to keep in the drawer with kid stuff. They are a good size and won't get ruined when they get wet. Wish I had these kits with my first child!